Robots have taken over…Already!

If you are not living under the rock you would have heard how AI and Machine Learning is changing the world we live in.

While you may feel that “robots taking over your life” is a likelihood you will not see in your generation…

It’s exactly the opposite!

Yes, the robots have already taken over…

We are living in a world that shows you what you like and lifts or sinks your mood at will. Interspersed by what you can possibly buy or believe to make you happy.

Let me explain…

You must have recently heard a lot about how robots and humans can work together… You might have even seen robots commissioned to train humans and schoolchildren.

Most of the job humans do today are likely to be replaced by robots within this very generation.

Enhanced computing power and powerful algorithms are already changing the human behavior like never before… (Propaganda, mind-control, and brainwash have a new meaning)

People stand divided based on religion, geography, race, and background. Polarized on what will make them “safe” and “secure” against the “known” and “unknown fears”.

Mobility is a stepping stone for technology development that has impacted human beings more psychologically than you can possibly imagine…

Mobile has acted as an entry point into “Human Wearable” market and created an acceptable platform to transition from idiot box to handheld or wearable devices.

The issue is not with automated physicals stores of Amazon, Driver-less taxis or Increase of productivity or profitability…

Humanity has seen tides of industrialization to outsourcing and now virtualization and robotization.

But the average incomes have decreased, governments have cut budgets on welfare and education. Joblessness, poverty and lifestyle diseases continue to grow.

This will not be overcome by policies, politics or globalization…but by consciousness…

Ask yourself how conscious are you?

Question and learn! Live responsibly and contribute to this world. It’s not the robotization that’s the risk. A machine will never be conscious enough without a human mind…

But a human mind without consciousness is just like a machine. (That only buys, consumes and dies)

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