To Blend or Not: That’s the Question…

“While the world is advancing at breakneck speed… Business systems around the world are failing to equip learners with advanced skills.”

I know there’s a pinch of salt. But we know this thing is already breaking a sweat. Blame it on the millennial, economics or mobility we are standing on a cross-way.

You can speed up straight ahead in the favor of learner engagement and achievement. Or turn sideways for a hodgepodge of baggage that’s “high tech” but a “lemon”.

In recent times the concept of Blended learning is overemphasized so much so it begins to lose its meaning.

I don’t have to tell you what blended learning is… Or what it should actually do. Or should I?

Tell me if you agree on this:

Blended learning is not-

  • Same training offered in different ways.
  • Different pieces of training offered on the same topic.

But then we are just beginning to scratch the surface. You have bigger issues make this daunting.

How about Tech issues, Acceptance issues, and real instructional design challenges? And the fact that something new is always on the way…

Did we open a Pandora’s Box? You bet!

But don’t get me wrong. Management often is in agreement with the direction of blended learning. The bigger issue is organization underestimating the complexity involved. You can no more look at your training as an “Individual Program”.

The traditional classroom training model is well understood. A blended learning module on the other side throws up new challenges. Expectations are not clear and if that’s not enough… there’s no orientation to this new approach.

Let’s be clear…

  1. Blended learning module takes more time to prepare.
  2. Getting the blend “right” is a creative process that needs testing.
  3. You can get caught up with “fancy” and ignore the critical parts.
  4. Every component of blended learning is important.
  5. Blending also means collaboration.
  6. Tracking and assessment along with timely feedback are critical.

OK now if Blending is so challenging. Who does it? And why?

Ha! That’s a full circle, right?

So let me quench your thirst of objectivity.

  • E-learning increases information retention by 60%
  • 70% of Students say they learn best in a blended environment.
  • Blended learning is flexible and affordable; it allows longer engaging touch-points costing approx. $2,382 less per student.

Guess that explains the BUZZ. Phew… blended learning gets attention.

I know what you are thinking…

You do want in on this and you want to do it right… First time!

So, Let me ask you a question… Do you have a traditional face to face instructor module that’s delivered gazillion times?

I bet you said Yes!

Next question… Can you get this module revamped to suit blended learning?


Ok so here’s the deal. I am shortly rolling out Beta of an awesome SAS based Blended learning solution. It has 3 slots to fill for the run.

All 3 parties enrolled will have FREE 4-hour consult on design and implementation. Support on live production and 70% discounted pricing on user enrolment.

Not just that. You will have exclusive discounts at the time of the official release.

Is this exciting or what? Don’t you want to get AHEAD in all seriousness? Opportunity glares at your face… Click here.

Leave your details to register. I will follow up to find out if we are a good fit.

This offer is valid first come first serve basis. Only 3 slots so apply right now.

Click here.

Thanks for reading.

Talk soon!

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