Best Way To Market Online (Chicken or Egg Situation)

Recently I was asked “What is the best way to market yourself online…”
The question is simple…right? I would have gotten away with some generic answer. But then this type of question always triggers a “turbulent sensation” in my mind and gut. (Great question to ask as an ice breaker I guess)
Let me explain…
This question kind of reminds me of meetings where we are trying to solve a problem… then you face a question that may well call for everyone to get into a workshop.
What is the best way to succeed in real estate market?
What is the best way to gain fitness levels?
What is the best way to land in a great job?
Do you see what I mean…?
These questions are so loaded that the person you ask them will be instantly overwhelmed.
Why? Because its like asking someone to write and publish a book in a 5 minute smoking session.
For you to answer these questions you will have to really probe and put in lot of work to understand where the person is coming from…
Well for the question…Most of the time it depends on what you are marketing and the results you are aiming for…
It also depends on the level of homework you have done already.
Now you must be thinking if I will tell you what you should do as homework…right?
Right on my friend! The best thing to do as your homework is immediately “add value” to your target audience in your area of interest.
See if you can quickly address complicated issues in the area of your expertise…
Can you suggest a solution? Solve a problem or Share a great insight that reflects your expertise?
You don’t need a website or some heavy investment to contribute in your interest area. May be consider posting on your Facebook/LinkedIn profile for the start. May be do a video and share the same.
So the whole point is beating that inertia and taking the first step towards the area you want to claim expertise in…
You can always change the niche, shift to a new area or decide if something else is more of your liking.
If you do this couple of times the whole question of “What is the best way to market yourself online…” will be much clearer in no time.
However there might be some people who want to go all in… Website, Landing pages, Scheduling, Payments all set up from the word go.
That is doable but shall take more time, money and a learning curve particularly if you are doing it yourself…
If you ask me its always better to answer the evolution question by saying “Egg first” and then grow it to “Chicken”
So is your “Egg first” taking any shape? Have any questions…? I may well help you kick it off and do it with confidence.
Just in case you need help Click Here and book a Free Consultation.

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