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What’s with the web copy… And how web copywriting is different?

What’s with the web copy… And how web copywriting is different?

What’s with the web copy… and how web copywriting is different?

What’s the big deal with the web copy you ask. And wonder if writing an effective copy really calls for a specialist.

Most of the people think writing web copy is easy… which isn’t. Why? Because you just don’t want to put some content out there. You want your readers and customers to engage with you, connect and take action on your website.

Only good copywriting can help you do that. You have to understand that people don’t read the website the same way they read print material.

Web Copy is different. Here’s why…

This can be summarized in 3 important aspects.

-The web users are active and not passive.

When they start reading something online…

-They figure out quickly what’s in it for them and if not they just leave.

-Most websites find it hard to retain their visitors even for the first 15 seconds.

If you are tracking bounce rates on your website and find it within 15 seconds or less…you know why.

It’s not just about long or short text its about value and engagement. You got to back up all the hype that you created. All in first 5-15 seconds, if not, you lost it, my friend.

That said, if your website user stays for first 15 seconds, congrats! You passed the first test. But it’s not over yet!

Now is the time, your website visitor starts forming an opinion. His expectation rises. They now feel they are onto something and looking at taking something away.

“Without good copywriting you can lose visitor any moment”

If you are not leading your reader with a cue and keeping the interest levels high you can still lose them. But as they near close, they are unconsciously looking at a takeaway or benefit. It has to be some way they gain or get better… now and later.

Believe it or not, a lot of websites just leave their visitors clueless on next steps. Not sure what they need to do… they wander off to other places. (maybe where you don’t want them to go yet.) Your hard work to retain them in a context is lost forever.

A good web copy will play this out well with a call to action at the end. But again call to action doesn’t simply mean placing a “click here” thingy and you are good.

No way!

There’s more to call to action than- “Click here”

Call to action has to be knitted well into the copy. It should be in a way- intuitive for the user to click the CTA. A person clicking on your link or button and asking for more is undoubtedly a prospect. And how and what information you provide them will make or break a possible lead.

Right there you have a prospect, who is not a just extra business but possibly a lifelong customer. Do you want him/her?

So what will you do? Hire a copywriter? Yes, that’s the intuitive decision you got to make today. If you like what you read so far, we should get talking. Let’s find out ways of reducing bounce times, better engagement and get more sales. All from your existing website!

Do you want a critical assessment of how well your content aligns with your brand message, what can you do to improve user experience and claim more SEO juice for your posts and landing pages?

That’s where I come in…

I will assess your website from a branding, copy, lead gen and conversion standpoint and tell you where you missed. Even if you consider yourself the biggest smart ass…I bet your website still has holes to plug.

…But you never looked at it that way.
Hit me up before weekend and you may qualify for a sweet discount.

This report may change your mind or you can continue to believe what you do…

Click here for a FREE 15-minute consult.

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