You must have read a lot about teamwork and I am not going to bore you with another “piece” on why teamwork is important…
You ask anyone around you about teamwork and everybody will swear by it.
So let me clarify I don’t have anything against teamwork but I want to shed some light on deeper aspects that you might have ignored…
Teamwork is an essential ingredient for businesses having grown to a decentralized structure, across locations, geographies, and time-zones.
Everyone knows cohesive organized teams can achieve much more than any individual. A lone person can never achieve what a group of organized, motivated individuals can…
This is the reason you have internal departmental policies running on overdrive to ensure “employee engagement” and “Boundary-less behavior”
So how does exactly “Teamwork” help businesses…?
Businesses need team-workers who work together and bring in “productive profitability”.
Anything wrong with that?
No, not really… Organized men in the spirit of teamwork succeed in delivering wonderful creations from an Aircraft to Mighty ships, Build cross-country canals to tallest sky-scrappers in the world…
Not just that from medical research to educational institutes, hospitals to big corporations are all “Operational” because of committed team members.
But the question I want to ask you today is how good of an Individual you are…?
Do you yell at your kids (and preach teamwork at the office/workplace), Do you take your spouse for granted (cook for you, keep your home tidy and always smile at you… (When you can’t even cook an omelet)
Are you the one who can’t put a nail on the wall to hang a painting, get the doorknob working, replace the punctured Tyre or take care of the cockroach menace in your own home…?
Now you see where I am getting at? We have become so unaware of our individuality that we can’t fix simple problems in our own life.
It is not surprising to see a lot of people who preach in a “professional” environment cannot actually survive alone for a day.
So what can do to enhance your individuality?
…and why would you want to enhance your individuality?
Is it worth it?
Is it better than being a team player?
I will address this and more in my next post… [ Go Here ]